Unhackable Internet

Quantom Technology

Quantum technology is a type of technology that relies on quantum physics. Quantum internet would make it impossible to hack or disrupt a connection. Quantum internet operates by a quantum processor performing quantum logic gates on a number of qubits. Quantum internet would be unhackable due to the fact that any attempts to interupt qubits would destroy the information being transmitted. Since this information would be destroyed, hackers would not be able to obtain access.

Current Uses

This technology is currently in use in China. It is being used to create a connection between between Beijing and Shanghai. This is a 2,000 kilometer connection. This connection, however contains components that occasionaly break the quantaum link. This is also in use in the Netherlands. A connection between Amsterdam, Leiden, Hague, and Delft was created using quantaum internet. This connection is extremely difficult to create, however, so reseachers are working to have it consistent by the end of this year.

Testing and Experimentation

In 2018, researcher Alberto Boaron of the University of Geneva reported sending information more than 400 kilometers using Quantum Key Distribution more. Shortly after this, Alberto and his team realized that they needed to use photon entanglement to transfer information. In January 2019, a team led by Stephanie Wehner of Delft University of Technology sent and entanglementover 50 meters of optical fiber. This was a new record. This was done by sending a trapped ion and manipulated it with lasers. After setting this record, they realized that to send information over longer distances they couldn't use trapped ions because the photon it emits doesn't last long inside a optical fiber.